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Need Balance? To Be Balanced or Not To Be Balanced? That is a question..: The Global Reset Is Coming | Perry Stone

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Wednesday, November 25, 2020

The Global Reset Is Coming | Perry Stone

Oh No!

The end goal of “Globalism” is a Global New World Order also known as the Great Reset. The “stated” goals of globalism are to bring economic equality & to promote peace and a better way of life, but what really goes on in the secret offices and rooms internationally that the elites are planning is an entirely different story.

Some goals of globalism include... 

-open borders, 

-ending nationalism, 

-gun laws, 

-removing freedoms and liberties, 

-a global economic system via a cashless society, 

-collapsing of nations, 

-killing culture, etc...

-All leading to a One World Government/New World Order. 

The NWO has two wings. The Antichrist will be in charge of the Political Wing, while the False Prophet will be in charge of the Religious Wing. For years now, the elites have been pushing globalism, and now the pieces are almost all connected together, they are making final preparations.

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A deduction is often like an induction, in inferring from particulars; the difference is that deduction combines a law in the major with the particulars in the minor premise, and infers syllogistically that the particulars of the minor have the predicate of the major premise. - Mathematics - a means of proving a theorem by showing that if it is true of any particular case it is true of the next case in a series, and then showing that it is indeed true in one particular case.